At Moham, we’re an active supporter of socially responsible causes designed to promote issues that are relevant in the communities in which we operate, working hand-in-hand with local governments and NGOs.

Through our brands’ various CSR initiatives, we support causes that help promote community awareness on issues such as environmental sustainability, literacy and education, and the importance of early detection of terminal diseases. We are also committed to causes that foster the preservation of Emirati heritage, traditions and culture. 

Employees are a company's greatest asset - they're your competitive advantage. You want to attract and retain the best; provide them with encouragement, stimulus, and make them feel that they are an integral part of the company's mission.

Economic Mission 


To operate the company on a sustainable financial basis of profitable growth, increasing value for our stakeholders, and expanding opportunities for development and career growth for our employees.

1. When Corporate social responsibility comes up with Ben and Jerry’s we perceived to behave in social responsible manner, and dealing with the other business parties as well as internal parties. With the growing public awareness and demand about the CSR activities we at Moham have taken this towards its employees and the society at large. And we have proved ourselves as a well engaged company in CSR activities.  

2. Employee motivation and retention is very crucial for a company in this growing environment and it is the driving force of a business. we at Moham think the same. it is one of our major goals that we have been engaged in. We are currently focusing on the aspect of social sustainability of both employees and society. We are focusing to enhance the job satisfaction of the company employees in order to give them work life enjoyability. Below are some of the measures taken towards them.

Creating a Better Work-life Balance

For the past years there have been changes in the work life at Moham actively assists employees in childrearing As part of this effort we maintain a workplace in which employees can decide with confidence to have and rear children and organize events to provide opportunities for them and their family to communicate and strengthen ties. 

The Group also provides, free of charge, mobile handsets with a security function designed for children to regular employees working for a Group company for over one year upon request when their children enter elementary school. The employees are exempted from paying the basic monthly charge while they are with the Group.  During the year of 2011, 200 headsets were distributed to children to keep in touch with their parents during work hours.

This is still being continued at Moham from the year of 2011 any employee who have joined and is having a kid will be eligible to enjoy this benefit. It has proved great success in employees work life due to the connection that has been created between the parents and their children. Furthermore we have plans to improve the strategy to educate new parents about child rearing and workshops to improve levels of knowledge in both males and females. Cooking classes will be held for male employees and also Childrearing support handbook for managers was distributed to promote understanding of managers on childrearing.


Moham Wellness Center with medical and mental health expert staff stationed on a full-time basis, helping to ensure the mental and physical health of all employees is maintained so they can remain fully motivated and work to the best of their ability. Physicians at the wellness center will provide consultation on physical and mental health issues, run medical checkups and work to support employee health. This is a step taken to find out underlying health problems at the earliest possible stage so that company human resource assets can be saved from any serious illnesses at the earliest stage possible. A self-checking system is in place on the Web to allow employees to measure and be aware of their own stress levels so that they can prevent stress-induced health problems and to enhance health levels.

We do not only provide medical solutions but we also try to improve working skills by consultation on a range of issues such as career goals, office politics, work-life balance, job responsibility and childcare issues. Full-time certified counselors stationed at the Wellness Center provide counseling and coaching to employees through interactive communications, helping to alleviate work-related stress. Peer supporters will be selected depending on their qualifications to provide career enhancement tips and provide further clarifications on any work related matters. 

Livable Wage Policy

Many business owners and managers see corporate social responsibility (CSR) as something that’s ‘nice to do’ but not really connected to growing the business and profits. In opposite, Moham is already trying to match their growth in response to their potential employees salaries and other financial and non-financial benefits to make their working environment more satisfactory one. Not only take to take best outcome from it, but also meet the customers their best interest in to our variety of products. Moham employees have choice of working hours to choose on their convenience and offering flexible working hours, a great salary and career development.